Matthew Albanese

I really love this guy’s work. He creates super real photographs from fantastically detailed miniatures, which he then lights spectacularly. I love miniature worlds and this guys seems close to the very top of the game.

This is the model of a forest fire under construction:

And this is the resulting picture:

It rolls right over the uncanny valley to the super-real

This is how Matthew describes his work:

My work involves the construction of small-scale meticulously detailed models using various materials and objects to create emotive landscapes. Every aspect from the construction to the lighting of the final model is painstakingly pre-planned using methods which force the viewers perspective when photographed from a specific angle. Using a mixture of photographic techniques such as scale, depth of field, white balance and lighting I am able to drastically alter the appearance of my materials.

And there is much more here.

About abailiffwrites

I am a Certified Bailiff operating in Southeast England
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