Category Archives: Health

Nurtureshock by Po Bronson

I just stumbled across NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children – US link/ UK link while looking at what else Po Bronson has written since What Should I do With My Life? And had to buy it. According to the reviews … Continue reading

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Hillbilly Heroin

My pain issues have been getting worse of late so I went to my local GP to try and get some help. He offered Amitriptyline but I didn’t want something I had to take daily. The extreme pain is not … Continue reading

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More really bad plastic surgery

It seems Cannes is the place to be for connoisseurs of really dreadful cosmetic surgery. These two horrors are twins Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff, 60. The gruesome duo are French television presenters.

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Romancing Mary Jane by Michael Poole

I suffer from some pain due to my nerve damage and in the course of researching pain relief I discovered that a lot of people grow there own ”medicinal cannabis”. I soon found out that it is difficult, expensive, and … Continue reading

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The Hungry Years: Confessions of a Food Addict by William Leith

I loved this book. I am flicking through The Hungry Years: Confessions of a Food Addict – US link/ UK link again as I eat some of my wife’s wonderful jelly cake. It is a brilliant memoir of a food … Continue reading

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Once my neck is fixed…

Once my neck is fixed up I am so going to be doing this stuff. Or not…

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Post shortage explained

I haven’t written anything for the last couple of days as I have been feeling a bit rubbish with what is a malaria relapse. It seems to happen once a year or so and arrives with flu symptoms that cycle … Continue reading

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Mouth Ulcers

I suffer from mouth ulcers. I don’t get them very often but when I do they come in fives at least and they really bloody hurt. I always used to use Adcortyl in Orabase to treat them. It is a … Continue reading

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My diagnosis:progressive cervical spondylotic myelopathy

My diagnosis of my spinal cord problems has now come through. I have progressive cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM). Apparently patients with CSM will generally have the following symptoms: neck stiffness; unilateral or bilateral deep, aching neck, arm and shoulder pain; … Continue reading

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Spinal Cord Compression, continued.

Last week I had my meeting with Nigel Mendoza about my spinal cord trouble and it sounds like I am going to need that operation. He booked me in for a MRI and then back to see him on the … Continue reading

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